Somos un colegio 100% multicultural.
Nuestro programa de inglés desarrolla las habilidades del idioma en contextos de la vida real y eventos globales.
Maternal- Introducción fonética
Preescolar- Desarrollo fonético y del lenguaje
Primaria-Lectoescritura y bases gramaticales
Secundaria-Estructura formal del idioma
Además, a partir de 4º grado inician un programa de inmersión al francés
Welcome to Creativos!
We are a bilingual community based on a multi-cultural thinking approach which is completed with values. We know how important it is to learn a second language nowadays –especially English! We are continually looking for new teaching & learning trends and approaches to make this process easier and enjoyable. Our methodology is based on Stephen Krashen’s Theory of Second Language’s Acquisition Premises.
According to Krashen, «Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language – natural communication – in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding.» Thus, English is spoken anywhere and everywhere at school! We encourage our students to use language in meaningful ways.

Our method is based on the development of five skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking. We develop these skills through different subject areas:
Students improve basic writing aspects like spelling and grammar, and develop critical thinking skills while they draft their thoughts.